Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b - Residents' Association

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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: mg on September 17, 2013, 10:21:25 PM


Title: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: mg on September 17, 2013, 10:21:25 PM
www.change.org  On-line petition called  Surrey County Council:  Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track.

Just saw news about this on-line petition on the BBC website.  Thought I would post it here so that people could sign it if they wished.  Not against the races personally  - just feel that the number of "serious" cyclists on our roads, practising for the races,  has got to a dangerous level.  As a slow, "unserious" cyclist, I get overtaken dangerously by these "serious" cyclists who are way more impatient with me, than car drivers are with them when they ride in groups, hogging the road.

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Deborah on September 18, 2013, 12:51:27 AM
Although I find it a real pain having the road closures, I do think we should support cycling. There are far too many motor vehicles on the road (much more dangerous than bicycles) creating pollution and making us all fatter. I do cycle myself and find buses, taxi drivers and small car drivers much worse than a serious cyclist. I have never been ran of the road by another cyclist but have a bus!

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Dictun Mearc on September 18, 2013, 08:20:46 AM
I can't say I've spotted these swarms of dangerous 'serious' cyclists that you talk about.  Our local cycling club, the Kingston Wheelers meet at Laithwaites wine shop on the Portsmouth Road for their club run on a Sunday Morning, when there are a lot less cars, and other cyclists on the road.  Seems very sensible to me. 

I have to agree that there are more 'serious' cyclists (and I use that term very loosely) out there now than there used to be.  I used to belong to the Kingfisher Triathletes about 15 years ago, and then, road cycling was a very niche sport.  We could have Box Hill all to ourselves on a Sunday, which is no longer the case.  Whilst I can understand someone who lives at the bottom of Leith Hill, Box Hill or Ranmore Common getting a little bit frustrated with the number of cyclists on a Sunday afternoon, Surrey as a whole is a big enough county to absorb them all, and the increase in numbers is only to be encouraged. 

Disclaimer:  I've recently started going out on my road bike again after a break of about 15 years, as the London Surrey 100 race and the Olympic races have inspired me to get back into it.  I'm therefore one of these 'serious' cyclists that you talk about (even though my 30 year old steel framed road bike is a bit of a joke to some of the youngsters I see out there today!).  I don't belong to any club though, so I only go out by myself or with a couple of my associates

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Keith on September 18, 2013, 11:40:31 AM
I too am in favour of all this encouragement to cycle (though entirely uncompetitive myself).  I think that cyclists as road users (outside central London) are far better behaved than motorists, on the whole, but there can be no harm in more education of both to reduce conflict and anger.....

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Redders on September 18, 2013, 03:45:43 PM
'stop surrey being turned into a cycle track'

Its already a Brands Hatch!

I do however agree that there are the keen, competitive, inconsiderate road cyclists out there, however, there are also the keen, competitive and considerate cyclists as well. However before you know it/blink they're through via the Portsmouth Road.

The Ride London, seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by the residents along the Portsmouth Road by The Angel. I rode the event, and spent the rest of the afternoon with other residents cheering on the rest of the riders and the professional race. It must have been The Angels best takings for the year or since the Olympics.

I have American and Italian friends who all know about Surrey being the cycling capital of Great Britain. Before hand they didn't even know of Surrey, apart from it being on my address. The rest of Europe Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, Spain promote cycling in whatever format, and the UK tries but then always fails.

It all seems a bit of the old not in my back yard syndrome!

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: tdres on September 18, 2013, 04:36:03 PM
Quote from: Redders on September 18, 2013, 03:45:43 PM
It all seems a bit of the old not in my back yard syndrome!

I think that's a bit unfair. People are entitled to their opinions on things that affect them.

I'm sure it's a great thing for people who enjoy watching or taking part in cycling, but an awful lot of people are affected for the enjoyment of a minority. Think of a sport or pastime you're not keen on, then imagine being told that the roads are going to be closed on a regular basis so that other people can indulge their pastime, without any consultation or consideration for your needs.

As a one-off for the olympics it was fine, but it's getting too much now. BTW I've nothing against cyclists and am all for supporting them with better cycle routes/lanes. It's the imposition on local residents for a sporting activity I object to.

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Redders on September 19, 2013, 02:05:59 PM
tdres, fair enough, I do see your point, but it is only one day and a Sunday.

Problem is I'm all for sport and anything positive that comes to the area to put us on the map, and if a world class event passes my front door I'm up for it.

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Keith on September 19, 2013, 04:59:32 PM
....meanwhile: on my way to the doctors this morning I was twice nearly mown down by Hinchley Woodies cycling along Ash Path at pace.  Yes, I know I am increasingly old and crotchety, but still....

I thought it was a 'No Cycling' path, but I see the sign at the Basingfield Rd end at least has been removed (I didn't check the one at the Watts Rd end).  Have SCC abandoned the defence of this footpath, or changed it to a bridlepath??  I must confess that I think it is better to have no sign and cycling, than to have a sign and a law which is breached with impunity by all and sundry, breeding disrespect for the law.

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Dictun Mearc on September 20, 2013, 08:34:23 AM
Given that I've seen the Police from Imber Court ride down there on horseback on quite a few occasions, if it is indeed a footpath, and not a bridleway, then even they are treating the law with impunity!

There is still a 'no cycles' sign at the Watts Road end: http://goo.gl/maps/KQdsd, but given that most people using the path walk from Basingfield Road to Mercer Close, I doubt anyone will have seen it.

Personally, I feel that the path is usually wide enough to accommodate bridleway traffic (whether that be Horses or Cycles), although this is not the case currently due to fence works.  The main problem to me is the speed at which cyclists use the path.  Providing that the cycle/horse users treat the pedestrians with respect, then I see no problem.  Sadly, this often isn't the case......

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Dictun Mearc on October 18, 2013, 11:24:18 AM
For those that are interested, it looks like Surrey CC have decided to look further into all aspects of cycling within the county.  They have a consultation here:


Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: Dilys on October 19, 2013, 01:31:32 PM
Great news. Bring as many cyclists into the area as possible. This will encourage you all to get out of your environmental energy consuming tanks that are clogging up our roads. "Dangerous cyclists" I think not. Lazy locals who have forgotten how to walk more like.

Title: Re: Surrey County Council: Stop Surrey being turned into a cycle track Petition b
Post by: craigvmax on October 21, 2013, 09:58:08 AM
and you'd transport 3 children around how exactly Dilys?

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