Local News & Info - Residents' Association

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Useful Links



Saint Nicholas Anglican Church, Summer Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0QQ

All Saints Weston Anglican Church, Chestnut Avenue, Esher, KT10 8JL

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Hampton Court Way, Thames Ditton, KT7 0LP

King's Church, 6 Speer Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0PP


Neighbourhood statistics for Thames Ditton, Weston Green, Hinchley Wood and East Molesey

What's going on in neighbouring SurbitonKingston, and Claygate

Councils Both borough and county council websites have a wealth of information.

Note: To report a problem, links to many of the councils' relevant web pages can be found on our website by clicking on: How do I…? » Report it to the Council

Elmbridge Borough Council
Note: To find information on planning matters, view planning applications or lodge objections/comments online, click here.

Surrey County Council

Help and Support

Citizens Advice Bureau  Free advice to help people in Elmbridge

Community Support Services (Elmbridge Borough Council)

Fire & Rescue  Safety advice (via Surrey County Council)
   Home Fire Risk Check: 0800 085 0767
   Contact Centre: 03456 009 009

Surrey Emergency Information  A number of links to useful emergency and other information

Telephone Preference Service  To stop unsolicited sales or marketing calls: 020 7291 3320

To help others:
Central Surrey Voluntary Action  (formerly Voluntary Action Elmbridge)

NeighbourCare  Charity providing transport for less mobile residents of Thames Ditton, Long Ditton, Weston Green and Hinchley Wood

History (Local)

Excellent material by Rowland Baker (1919-1987), including a book on Boyle Farm (now the Home of Compassion), hosted on Molesey History website.

In 2008 Surrey County Council set up a web site for Surrey's local history that gives reference details of documents available in their Library.

Also:  Surrey County Council History Centre

AC Cars on Wikipedia and AC Owners' Club history page

Old Pathe News film clips featuring Thames Ditton and also Imber Court - Met Police events.

West Surrey Family History Society

East Surrey Family History Society


Library Our excellent Dittons Library
Address:  Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS

Police and Crime

Surrey Police  Phone:  Police (Immediate Response):   999
                                 Police (Non-Emergency):   101
To report a crime, go to the Surrey Police website

Elmbridge Police

Esher & Claygate Police  Station: Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD
                                                (Mon-Fri: 8:45am - 5:00pm)

Residents' Associations
in Nearby Areas

Hinchley Wood Residents Association

Esher Residents Association

Molesey Residents Association

Long Ditton Residents Association



Thames Ditton Infants School, Speer Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0PW

Thames Ditton Junior School, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS

Esher Sixth Form College, Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0JB

Weston Green School, Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0JN

Hinchley Wood School, Claygate Lane, Esher, KT10 0AQ





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