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Report it to the Council

Elmbridge Borough Council and Surrey County Council rely on residents to report issues of rubbish, vegetation, nuisance and defective equipment in public spaces.
They have comprehensive online and telephone reporting systems in place and usually respond promptly where action is needed.  Report reference numbers are often issued so that progress may be followed, or the issue chased up if action is not thought to be speedy enough.  It's important that residents take the time to report any issues they find. 

Below are reporting details and links for the problems that most commonly affect our roads and green spaces. If your issue is not covered, go to the councils' home pages
to find your required subject, or contact your local Councillor.

 In the table below,  GREEN  denotes Elmbridge Borough Council and  ORANGE  denotes Surrey County Council


 Click here for Elmbridge Borough Council contact details             Click here for Surrey County Council contact details