RA Chairman, Graham Cooke, has written to Elmbridge Borough Council (below) to acknowledge the good work of their employees, volunteers and contractors during the coronavirus pandemic .....
Rob Moran
Chief Executive
Elmbridge Borough Council
Esher, Surrey KT10 9SD
3rd June 2020
Dear Mr Moran,
On behalf of our Association, I would like to record our thanks to all employees at Elmbridge Council together with volunteers and contractors, for their work and achievements during the present difficulties.
We are aware that much of the work done over the last few months goes unseen by the majority of residents however, we know that many employees, volunteers and contractors have not only ‘gone the extra mile’ but have also done so in circumstances where they put themselves at some personal risk.
We will continue to encourage our members and all in the community to take heed of the guidance and advice issued by EBC and hope that normal life will resume in the not too distant future.
We would be grateful if you would convey our thanks to all.
Yours sincerely,
Graham Cooke
And the reply .....
Mr G Cooke
Thames Ditton and Weston Green RA
c/o 23 Ashley Road
Thames Ditton
Surrey KT7 0NH
3rd June 2020
Dear Mr Cooke
EBC During Lockdown
Thank you for your letter of 3rd June acknowledging the efforts of staff, partners and contractors in providing services during the lockdown period. I am grateful to the Association for taking the trouble to write and I will have pleasure in passing on your kind letter to those who are continuing to provide the services.
Despite the difficulties we have all experienced to varying degrees due to the pandemic I have been heartened to witness many examples of informal community support, voluntary actions and neighbourly acts all sitting alongside our efforts to continue to provide the services.
I am very pleased that you have recognised that most services have carried on and that in some areas, for example, we have developed more extensive support through our meals on wheels and welfare checks that now covers more than 3,600 contacts with vulnerable residents. All this is in addition to accommodating rough sleepers and homeless households, making many more benefits payments and administering £22m of financial support to local businesses – among many other elements.
As you say, we are living through extraordinary times but I share your hope that we emerge as a stronger community in the best possible shape.
Yours sincerely
Robert Moran
Chief Executive