The hub of village life in Thames Ditton for nearly 900 years, St Nicholas Church needs your support. Visitors from all over the world come to Thames Ditton’s Grade I listed church to see its historic links which predate even Hampton Court Palace - just across the river.

This December sees the launch of the Friends of St Nicholas’ to help preserve the wonderful historic building at the heart of Thames Ditton.
You do not need to be a churchgoer to be a Friend!
As well as being an active place of worship, this building has a whole range of historic features of interest. So, if you just care about the character of our village and want to help to keep this important historic building at the heart of village life - become a Friend! In return you will be sent updates and invited to a growing programme of social and history-based events.
Thames Ditton’s community
Over the past few years, with the help of the congregation, generous benefactors and huge support from the local community, a Restoration Appeal raised more than £200,000 to ensure that the building is in good condition - and will be kept that way.
Become a regular Friend
You can help by becoming a regular Friend, or by making flexible donations or simply a one-off small amount - every donation will help to secure the future of St Nicholas’ church building. Your contribution will be ring-fenced and used only to maintain the church building and contents and the fabric of its historic churchyard.
Please support your village's historic building – apply now.
The minimum subscriptions for Friends are: annual £10; annual joint, £15; annual family, £20.
Cheques should be made payable to St Nicholas PCC / Friends and sent to :-
St Nicholas Parish Office
Summer Road
Thames Ditton KT7 0QQ.
Or by transfer or standing order to :-
Sort Code 60-08-04
Account No. 06306446
Account Name: St Nicholas PCC
Ref: Friends [your name]
See for Gift Aid information.
Click here to download a Friends application leaflet (PDF).