River Thames Scheme - Public drop in sessions about weirs
Following on from the presentation about the River Thames Scheme at the Informal Local Committee at beginning of February, details of the public drop-in sessions about the improvements to Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs are now available.
The drop-ins will focus on the work planned to improve the flow capacity of Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs on the River Thames.
The Environment Agency is holding drop-in sessions at locations close to each of the weirs on the following dates:-
- Tuesday 15 March Sunbury Court Conference Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5PL
- Wednesday 16 March Molesey Boat Club, Barge Walk, East Molesey, KT8 9AJ
- Tuesday 22 March Tamesis Sailing Club, Trowlock Way, Broom Road, Teddington TW11 9QY
The public can call in at any time between 4pm and 8pm. There is no need to book in advance. There will be information about all of the weirs at all venues.
- At the drop-in events the Environment Agency will be:
- Showing the preferred options on the additional gate locations for each weir
- Asking for public opinion and ideas around the wider landscaping aspects of the planned works
- Asking for public opinion and ideas on the overall aesthetics, for example proposed weir canopy’s, walkways etc
- Providing a time line for our proposed works, including information on locations of site compounds
- Providing information on the preferred planning route (TBC)
- Providing information on how we will mitigate any impact on the local environment.
- Answering general enquiries about the River Thames Scheme
It is anticipated that work on the weirs may commence in 2018 at the earliest.
Click here for further information on the River Thames Scheme.