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Basingfield Road footpath widening

8 years 7 months ago #284 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Basingfield Road footpath widening
Which school is this meant to be for, neither schools main entrance is close by. By in coincidence I've noticed a big increase on parking on station road, why is this suddenly happening?

Something needs to be done to cater for commuters, mothers and residents, not just shoppers.
8 years 8 months ago #283 by Jon
Replied by Jon on topic Basingfield Road footpath widening
I'm still confused by this, to my mind, poorly worded leaflet. It implies that there will be no parking allowed in the road between 7 am and 5 pm, as if you do park you might be towed away. As of 7:30 pm on Sunday the 15th there are no signs up to inform the general public of this, and some commuters park in the road before 7 am to catch the early trains.

We're moving our cars off the road anyway, but since we must "show the leaflet when entering or leaving the site as it will be needed to show you live in the areas affected by the works", one copy for several cars isn't sufficient.

As for the chaos at school dropping off or collection times if the restrictions implied are actually enforced and the road is closed, well, I'll watch it with amusement.
8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #282 by Badger
Replied by Badger on topic Basingfield Road footpath widening
This has very little to do with commuters. Restrictions have already been introduced to prevent all day parking along the opposite side of Basingfield Road.

I suspect the main reason is because the footpath provides a main thoroughfare to Thames Ditton Junior School, particularly for parents with kids at the Infants' too.

As much as I am against the loss of greenery, this seems like a sensible proposal if the widening is limited to the width necessary for two people to comfortably walk abreast (eg a parent holding their child's hand) - and that the trees and verge between them and the road remain.

Hopefully it would be in uniform brick coloured tarmac for the full length as it is currently a bit of hotchpotch due to utility works and new driveways.

I'm not sure there is any need to park on the verge - although the occasional 4x4 driver always gives it a go at the start of each school year :blink:
Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by Badger.
8 years 8 months ago #279 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Basingfield Road footpath widening
This has to do with commuters I presume - basing field road is closest road to the station and needs to be enhanced to accommodate them not station road
8 years 8 months ago #278 by Jon
We've had a notice through the door from SCC entitled "Rebuilding Surrey's Roads : Tackling the root cause of faults and potholes". This covers footway works in Basingfield Road commencing on Monday the 16th November for approximately 5 days. Apparently it's a scheme to widen the footway on the west side of the road (i.e. the railway line side). It appears remarkably sparse in information which raises some questions in my mind:

1. How much of the verge will be lost to the widened footpath - 10 cm or all of it; and will it be a uniform width along the whole road?

2. What will the new surface be, and if as present, will the surface colour match the current 'brick' colour as will still be found on the other side of the road?

3. How many trees will be removed to accommodate the widening, and who'll be responsible if any which are left subsequently die due to root damage caused by the works?

4. Won't a narrower verge encourage people to park on it?

5. What has this to do with potholes?

Admittedly the footpath has already been widened by a muddy strip of about 30 cm where the grass has been being killed by trampling, but is this permanent widening with a consequent loss of 'green' what the residents want and the RA approve of?