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NCF logo 2024 Photo Comp 400

TD&WGRA Nature & Climate Festival
Photography Competition 2024

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Let’s celebrate our wonderful local environment by capturing it on camera

As part of our third Nature & Climate Festival (4-6 October 2024) we are running a photography competition, open to everyone in Thames Ditton and Weston Green, with a special open category for non-residents and/or photographs taken beyond our locality, including overseas.

We want to see your photographs of local wildlife or scenery that capture the very best of our nature and climate in 2024. It might be in your garden, by the river or in one of our wonderful green spaces; it could be a butterfly on a flower or an interesting cloud formation; a detailed close-up or a wide-angle scenic shot. We want to see the natural environment that has inspired you in 2024.

The competition is open to all ages and the best photographs will be displayed at the TD&WGRA Nature & Climate Festival in October. The winning photographs may also be used for future issues of Thames Ditton Today magazine.

You can enter your photographs in four categories:

1. Nature & wildlife - the animal world

2. Nature & wildlife - local plant life

3. Thames Ditton & Weston Green’s Natural Environment - our natural surroundings

4. Open category - nature & climate beyond Thames Ditton & Weston Green

Prizes are: £50 for the winner in each category and £25 each for highly commended. There will also be a special prize of £30 for the best junior photograph (under 18).

Closing date for entries is Friday 20th September. Entry is free and individual entrants can submit a maximum of three photographs in the competition.

How to Enter:

Send a JPEG file of your photograph/s to:
Please include a covering email / letter stating:

  • Your Name
  • Your Address (if you live outside Thames Ditton and Weston Green but are at school/college, or work here, please state name of school attended or place of business)
  • Contact email and/or telephone number
  • Age (if under 18)
  • Category for which the photograph is entered
  • Title of the photograph and when and where it was taken


» All entrants for categories 1-3 must live, work or attend school/college in Thames Ditton & Weston Green. Entrants for category 4 may live outside the area.
» All photos must be the original work of the named entrant
» Photos must be in their original state, not altered in any way
» All judges decisions are final
» By entering the competition, entrants give their consent for their photographs and name (and age if under 18) to be displayed at the Nature & Climate Festival and published in Thames Ditton Today magazine (use is at the discretion of the organisers/editor)
» By entering the competition entrants give their consent for their photographs to be used as covers in future editions of Thames Ditton Today Magazine if the editor chooses.
» Winners will be announced at the Festival on Sunday 6th October at 3.30pm in Vital Village, Mercer Close, KT7 0JD.
» Prizes will be awarded in cash / bank transfer within ten days of announcement of the winners.