Thames Ditton Community Centre Update
Cllr Gill Coates updated the 60+ attendees at the RA's recent Open Meeting on the progress towards finding local community partners to run the Thames Ditton Community Centre (TDCC), under lease from the Council.
No decisions have been taken as yet, but promising discussions have taken place with Vital Village, a Community Interest Company (CIC) that is keen to create a vibrant, inclusive and sustainable hub in the TDCC. A CIC is a legal structure designed for initiatives and organizations that have a primary goal of benefiting the community. Any association with Vital Village would be complementary to the involvement of the local Primary Care Network with regard to the provision of Health and Wellbeing services. It is also fully acknowledged that existing users of TDCC will be accommodated in any new operating arrangement for the Centre.
To maintain engagement with representatives of community groups that use the TDCC, a third workshop will be held on Thursday 7th December - for those that attended the earlier workshops. Invitations are being sent out to them. There will be further opportunities to engage later before final decisions are made on the Centre.
For regular updates on the TDCC, see the Council's web page at: