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Festival Updates 
Changes to the published programme of events 

The Nature & Climate Festival starts on Friday 4th October. Please note the following changes to the published programme:

Quiz Night, Friday 4th - Kell's Kitchen will be on site in the car park preparing fresh food from 6.30pm and in the interval.

Tech-TakeBack, Saturday 5th - David (Professor of Circular Economy at Brighton University) regretfully sends his regrets due to unforeseen family circumstances. Watch this space for a future one-off Tech Take-Back event.

Eco Stalls, Saturday & Sunday - Cancelled.  Too many other eco/farmers markets on this year!

'Just One Green Thing' panel discussion, Saturday 5th - Richard Essex, the charismatic and knowledgeable Chair of Surrey Climate Commission, has kindly stepped in to chair this panel instead of Nick Davis of Green Elmbridge as originally advertised. 

River Thames Litter Clean-Up, Sunday 6th - The river conditions are unsuitable for the planned river plastic clean-up by Ditton Skiff & Punting Club. Not to be deterred, the club members will be doing a riverbank clean-up along Albany Reach from 11.00am.  Well done to the club for doing their bit to support the Festival!

For the full up-to-date Festival Programme, go to: