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Cafe Rouge site proposed car wash

Application 2024/2775 for a temporary car-wash facility in the courtyard area of the old Cafe Rouge site has been refused by Elmbridge Borough Council.  

The reason for refusal was stated as:

The proposed development, by reason of the large and unsightly awnings which would be highly visible within the street scene, would result in material harm to the character of the area, the setting of the locally listed building and the White Lady Mile Marker. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Policy CS17 of the Core Strategy 2011, Policies DM2 and DM12 of the Development Management Plan 2015, the Design and Character SPD 2012 and the NPPF 2024.

This latest application followed earlier outline planning applications (both withdrawn) for a seven-storey, then a six-storey building on the site following demolition of the Cafe Rouge building.