Elmbridge Draft Local Plan
Regulation-19 Representation
TD & WG Residents' Association Submission
The RA has submitted its representation on the Draft Local Plan, broadly in support of it, but noting several points where we feel amendments are required. These relate to the level of protection given to various sites in our area, and also the River Thames corridor. Our online submission was collated in a follow-up email - shown below.
Whilst we consider the Plan to be broadly sound, and we support it, there are some minor amendments/additions we believe should be made, in the interests of consistency and utilising residents' local knowledge.
We note that the draft plan does not incorporate a detailed map of the Thames Ditton settlement area. We would seek reassurance that the final map is prepared in the same way as the Walton Map in terms of designation, including Natural Green Spaces.
We feel that the proposed ENV1 and ENV5 do not sufficiently recognise the national importance of the River Thames corridor and its tributaries when compared with the present CS12 policy and the importance of the partnership with Thames Landscape Strategy. The Council should, as at present adopt 'a co-ordinated partnership approach to the future of the waterways in order to :
- Maintain and enhance the landscape and waterscape
- Conserve and enhance bio-diversity
- Support opportunities to improve public access
We believe that 4 of the sites that were considered (and rated), but not designated, as Local Green Space should be included for the following reasons.
1. Esher College - We see no reason why the Esher College site should be treated differently to the Tiffins Sports Grounds - They are both are in close proximity to each other and both abut the Hampton Court Way. The Esher College site has historic significance being part of what was the old Weston Manor Farm dating back to the Domesday Book.
2. Ditton Marina - We disagree with the low assessments given in terms of recreational value, tranquillity and wildlife - we believe that an overall assessment of at least 14 would be appropriate to this site on the banks of the River Thames. Public access to the various facilities on the site are widely used.
3. Ditton Field and Fieldsave - We believe that these two sites should be considered together as they form one contiguous piece of land which provides the setting for Grade 1 listed Hampton Court Palace. The site also provides an important part of the protected strategic views from Hampton Court Palace to the Surrey Hills.
Finally, we are concerned to note that Strategic Views 2 and 3 (From Hampton Court Palace to the Surrey Hills and to Thames Ditton Marina and Surrey Water Works) are no longer in the Local Plan, based on the recommendation of ARUP. We can see no reason why these important views should be downgraded and why the protection they currently have through the Local Plan should be removed.