Strong support for Residents' Association candidates in
Thames Ditton ward and Hinchley Wood & Weston Green ward
Congratulations to RA candidates, Caroline James and James Crawshaw, who were elected with strong majorities in last Thursday's Borough Council elections.
Thank you to all RA supporters who took the time to vote for our candidates.
For Thames Ditton ward the results were:
Caroline James 1629
David Gattey (Lib.Dem.) 749
Elizabeth Sterry (Con.) 369
For Hinchley Wood & Weston Green ward the results were:
James Crawshaw 1669
Liz Ambekar (Lib.Dem.) 588
Xingang Wang (Con.) 347In neighbouring Esher ward, the Esher Residents Association candidate, Simon Waugh, was elected, giving Esher a 'full house' of RA Councillors.
Overall in Elmbridge Borough Council, the party representation now is:
Residents' Group 20 Councillors
Conservatives 15 Councillors
Liberal Democrats 13 Councillors
The Council will continue to be led by the RA Group - Lib. Dem. coalition.
For more election results in Elmbridge, go to: