'DESIGN & ACCESS' PLANNING APPLICATION SUBMITTED FOR IMBER COURT TRADING ESTATE Many residents will be aware that outline planning permission (Application No. 2015/3400) was granted last year for up to 95 dwellings to be erected on the Imber Court Trading Estate, which is in Orchard Lane, off Ember Lane, East Molesey.
Whilst the principle of the development has been approved, there is a new application (No. 2016/3389) that sets out the detail, and this is now at the stage where comments can be made. Full details of this latest application can be seen by clicking the above link. The application includes a 'Design & Access Statement', among numerous other documents.
If you wish to comment, it is important to do so before 2nd December 2016, although submissions made after that date are usually taken into account. The easiest way to comment is online on the planning-application page.